Incoming Souls
All of the children that a woman is capable of birthing during her lifetime are already here and present. A woman's children are energetically active long before conception ever takes place. These children, or incoming souls, are attached to a woman on an etheric level, and greatly influence her energetic fields and etheric womb. The great strength of these incoming souls, our "spirit babies" so to speak, is generally overlooked. Our perceptions of childbirth and conception are in need of a major overhaul!
Aligning With Your Soul and the Soul of Your Child
It is possible for each one of us to reach a state of harmonious alignment and balance. It is possible for each one of us to blossom into our fullest potential. From this heightened state we are able to be our most authentic and best selves. We are supported, held, and confident within ourselves that everything that we will ever need is right here in this moment.
By fully aligning with ourselves and our true soul nature we bloom into our authentic forms. We shake off the old ties of fear and self doubt, and replace our hesitation and insecurities with strength and personal power. We own our stories and stand fully empowered as women. By aligning with your soul, your truth, and your true self you are able to clear away the self imposed bonds that otherwise keep you from your bliss.
By aligning with the soul of your child you are acknowledging the unique and powerful individual who has chosen to grow and develop
with you. The soul of your child has chosen parents who can gift them with the exact requirements that they need to fully embody their life and purpose here. This choice is an agreement on the soul level, and creates a birth contract between child and parents. The soul alignment between mother and incoming is a blessed contract, and a transformational bond that is equally shared. It is typical for the incoming soul to act as a guide for the parents, opening them up to new experiences and perspectives, and helping them to achieve a greater level of consciousness in dealing with their life issues.
We serve as guides to our children, but this guidance goes both ways. The incoming souls influence us to prepare for their arrival often years before they are physically born. Each generation of children surpasses those that came before, and paves the way for vibrational shifts and evolutionary advances. In this way our children are holding and guiding us as much as we are holding the space for and guiding them.
If an incoming soul is present in the etheric field of a man or woman, than it is my firm belief that this child can be born in a physical body. It is possible to overcome fertility challenges of the past. It is possible to say "yes" to the future, and open up to something bigger than ourselves.
Conscious Conception
By opening ourselves up it is possible to connect and align with the incoming souls present in our etheric fields. Making this connection permits us to get to know our children before they even arrive on this earth! Our awareness of their presence before conception is a gift to them that gives them strength. Holding them and accepting them at the soul level is quite possibly the greatest gift we can ever give. Conscious conception opens the door to a major shift in how we perceive the sacred ritual of birth.
Imagine recognizing our children from the moment of conception. Imagine being able to truly see them for who they are and what they are capable of. A child carries the imprint of conception with them energetically throughout their lifetime. The imprint of birth is also carried for a lifetime. This imprinting passes on habits, patterns, and cycles (both good and bad) from one generation to the next. Isn't it time for us to create a more loving story? Isn't it time to be open to a whole new level of consciousness and a whole new way of life?
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