Women's Circles

Women's circles are a long held historic tradition dating back thousands of years.  Once women gathered in sacred circles under the stars; speaking as equals in the glow of the campfire, they came together to honor the feminine.

While in circle the voice of every woman is sacred and revered.  Each of us are viewed as equal as all individuals have something to teach and share.  Every woman has a powerful and unique perspective, and every woman changes the group dynamic in crucial and important ways.  

We all co create the spaces we occupy with others whether we choose to use our voices or not.  In circle we honor each voice in turn.  In our circles there is no criticism, and no blame.  We do not speak over, silence, or tone police.  We come together to hear and to be heard. 

Soul Bird Art 
The transforming magic of being held and fully listened to in a safe circle of women is something all of us deserve to experience first hand.  I currently hold space for moon circles every month on both the New Moon and the Full Moon.  These circles are deeply personal, and are held in the privacy of my home.  When women convene in this intimate way, with the absence of hierarchy and judgment, a collective wellspring of nourishing support is harnessed.  Deep authenticity, and positive vulnerability foster a strong sense of healing.

If you are seeking renewal, sisterhood, community, and creativity, you may find yourself compelled to participate in our next new moon or full moon circle.  Expect to set clear intentions, and dismantle obstacles clouding the decision making process.  Come with an open heart, and a willingness to surrender to something greater.

New Moon and Full Moon Circles are $20 per circle, and are open to all identifying as women.  Circles happen from 8-10:30 p.m. on the night of the new moon, and the night of the full moon.  Nurslings are welcome.  Contact me to reserve your space.  To sign up for a circle, or ask any further questions, please email Deonn at didi_paul@rocketmail.com